lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

against nucler energy

i have just read an article saying that im Japan  parents revolting against a law by the goverment which mean that school children can be exposed to 20 times more radiation than was previously permissible. after reding thoght i would be better for the world not to have nuclear plant at all of course thereare some people that disagree.

The world's reserves of fossil fuels are running out and Nuclear power plants need little fuel, so they are less vulnerable to shortages because of strikes or natural disasters and some people even say that  the nuclear era could star 50 yers fron now but whar i really mean is Do the advantages really outwheigt the  risks?

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

about history of restaurants

Did you know that he firs restaurants were established in Egypt and thta women were not allowed?Thats somrthing i learned when i was  checking out a link it Dr Ralf's blogg that reads history of restaurants and i found very intersting that something that we see as common has such a long history,i dont know you but i could not imagine my life without restaurants a also read that the queen of France Catalina De Medici intoduced good table manners at his husband's court and from there they where extended to the rest of the westernworld ,so next time your mom yells about you chewing with your mouth open blame her¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

The wild within

I have recently read an article in Anthony Bourdain's blogg about this show that is called "the wild whithin" this show is about where the food that we eat every day comes from.what atractted me to this post was the the first sentence that reads: everybody eats bacon but no one wants to stab the pig.after giving some thought to that i relaized that it is true,how many times while you are eating a humburger you think of the cow and the horrible conditions those cows live.they are confined to crowded warehouses whrere they get deformed and suffer NO! you only think about how tasty your burger is ang how much ketchup would make i t better.

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

"Museo de la mascara" assaignement

Last friday some classmates and i went visiting museums throughout the city one of them wast the " museo de la mascara" one of the best in mexico for  the rarity and quantity of its collection, which consists of nearly a thousand masks from  every corner of  the country.

I liked very much the experience because the building is superbly beautiful by itself  and  its collection of masks was really interestinghowever i think this museum needs much more promotion,i also belive that they should organize dinamic activities inside the museum to make the visit more enjoyable

ramon stevens

some things you should know about  me:

im 16 years old,and i live in san luis potosi,Mexico my favorite thing to do is read im particularly fond of baroque music and any favorite composer is Jeann-Phlipe usually a reserved person.